Maryland CTSO Joint Advisor Training
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Join us for the Maryland CTSO Joint Advisor Training!

The Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) Office of College and Career Pathways is pleased to announce the return of the annual Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Joint Advisor Training (JAT) on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. This one-day workshop will be held at the BWI Marriott, located at 1743 W Nursery Rd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Charles Wallace, Coordinator of CTE Student Organizations, at 410-767-8872 or charles.wallace@maryland.gov. Thank you for your continued support of Maryland’s CTSOs.  

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